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Government Of Assam Department of Cultural Affairs Directorate of Cultural Affairs

Schemes under North East Zone Cultural Centre, Dimapur

  • Guru Shishya Paramara Scheme has been introduced by Government of India in the respective Zonal Cultural Centre in order to preserve and promote rare and vanishing art forms under an eminent Guru to train four Shishya (trainees) to acquire knowledge in their chosen field of art since 2003 – 2004.

    The NEZCC implemented the scheme for imparting training to the aspiring youth in the region. The nominated Guru will appoint one accompanist and four Shishyas (trainees) for a period of one (1) year on payment of following honorarium.

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    7,500/- per month
    Accompanist (one)
    3,750/- per month
    Shishyas (four)      
    1, 500/- per month each
    The following terms and conditions are prescribed below for compliance:
    A Space/Room to conduct the training should be selected, which will be the Kendra of the training.
    There will be a signboard mentioning the following "Guru Shishya Parampara Scheme” sponsored by North East Zone Cultural Centre, Dimapur, Ministry of Culture, Department of Culture, Government of India.
    (c )
    Specific timings of the training should be also mentioned on the Signboard.
    The Guru (with the help of the accompanist) shall send the monthly report regarding progress and achievement of the Kendra to NEZCC Office by 15th every month positively.
    The monthly progress report will include topics/lessons taught each month, which may be supplemented with some photographs of the Kendra’s activities for reference and record.
    The training may be conducted at any venue suitable to you, provided there are at least ten (10) sessions per month.
    At the end of the training period, the Guru and his/her disciplines will have to perform for NEZCC either in State headquarter or at Dimapur without any further honorarium.

    Young Talented Artists Award has been introduced by Government of India in the North East Zone Cultural Centre, Dimapur in order to encourage the young talented artistes of North East Indiain the field of folk music, folk dance, theatre and creative art: painting composition within the age of 18 to 30.

    For above schemes please visit www.nezccindia.in